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ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD city VARCHAR(100)

Personal Injury Services Archives - Accident Lawyer

Category Archives: Personal Injury Services

Personal Injury Services

The Devil is in the Details: Expert Witness Tips for Attorneys

During this one-hour presentation, Dr. Muller will provide attorneys with insight on effectively choosing, engaging with, and preparing expert witnesses for testimony to optimize their role in litigation. Attorneys will learn practical strategies for building relationships with expert witnesses, including effective communication and collaboration techniques. Additionally, Dr. Muller will provide tips on addressing common pitfalls … Continue reading The Devil is in the Details: Expert Witness Tips for Attorneys

Deposing and Cross-Examining Medical Experts, Accident Reconstructionists, and More

Tips and Tactics to Get the Testimony You Need Elevate your deposition and courtroom performance! This guide will take you one step closer to mastering the art of expert depositions and cross-examination in personal injury cases. Extract maximum value from medical expert testimony, dismantle accident reconstructionists' assumptions and calculations, and more. Uncover the secrets to … Continue reading Deposing and Cross-Examining Medical Experts, Accident Reconstructionists, and More

The Medical Monitoring Tort Remedy: Advance Level

Medical monitoring is a claim most often asserted in toxic exposure claims, including those associated with PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) exposure, a substance with allegedly harmful, but latent, symptoms. It’s essential to understand how to build and administer a PFOA medical monitoring program in any medical monitoring tort remedy.      Developed and presented by two practicing … Continue reading The Medical Monitoring Tort Remedy: Advance Level

Proving Exacerbation of Pre-Existing Brain Injuries and Conditions

Doctor and Seasoned Attorney Insights Is it normal progression, or did the accident exacerbate a pre-existing brain injury or condition? What can (and can't) brain imaging techniques and neuropsychological tests reveal? This focused guide will help you better understand pre-existing brain injuries and conditions, show you how to identify exacerbation, and reveal strategies for proving … Continue reading Proving Exacerbation of Pre-Existing Brain Injuries and Conditions

Top 9 Tactics for Minimizing Liens on Personal Injury Settlements (April 2023)

Ensure That Clients Walk Away With the Compensation They Deserve All your hard work will mean little if liens take a big bite out of the settlement. Fortunately, if you know how to negotiate with lienholders, you can convince them to grant significant reductions. This program will reveal 9 tactics that will put more money … Continue reading Top 9 Tactics for Minimizing Liens on Personal Injury Settlements (April 2023)

Avoiding the Nuclear Verdict or the Defense Verdict 

According to professionals in the insurance industry and the defense bar, the number of nuclear verdicts, or verdicts that exceed $10M, is on the rise. Although the defense may prevail over plaintiffs more often at trial, when the defense loses, they lose big. And plaintiffs who could have obtained needed resources in settlement, sometimes "roll … Continue reading Avoiding the Nuclear Verdict or the Defense Verdict 

Legal Ethics in a Personal Injury Practice

This program is designed to be a practical, rule-based discussion of ethical issues that all personal injury lawyers face. It will discuss Model Rules 1.1, 1.15, 3.3, 3.4, while addressing competence, liens, fairness to opposing counsel, and candor to the tribunal.   The program is geared toward lawyer with personal injury practices in need of … Continue reading Legal Ethics in a Personal Injury Practice

Wrongful Death Auto Accident Case: Quick Tips and Tactics

Apply These Practical Insights to Your Next Case Wrongful death auto accident cases pose unique challenges and require a nuanced approach. Are you prepared? This fast-paced guide will provide you with real-world tips for working with the probate court, finding case-supporting evidence, calculating damages, and more. Advocate effectively for your clients – register today! Learn … Continue reading Wrongful Death Auto Accident Case: Quick Tips and Tactics

Lost Earning Capacity, Pain, Suffering, and Other Complex Damages in Auto Injury

Calculation, Negotiation, and Litigation Tips From Seasoned Attorneys How do you put a price on physical and mental pain? What is the lost earning capacity for injured minors, the sporadically employed, or unemployed? What is a life worth? This program will show you how to quantify and prove more subjective and complex damages in auto … Continue reading Lost Earning Capacity, Pain, Suffering, and Other Complex Damages in Auto Injury

7 Mistakes I Made as a New Personal Injury Lawyer

Take Proactive Steps to Avoid the Most Common Pitfalls Failures can be excellent learning opportunities, but it's far more convenient to learn from others' mistakes than your own! Join our seasoned faculty as they sum up the top 7 pitfalls of personal injury practice that they wish they'd known about sooner. Minimize errors in your … Continue reading 7 Mistakes I Made as a New Personal Injury Lawyer