WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM wpe5_wpsecure_login LIKE "country"

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD country VARCHAR(150)

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD city VARCHAR(100)

Founding engineer roles at W22 YC startups - Accident Lawyer

Founding engineer roles at W22 YC startups

Below are a few of the most recent YC startups (Winter ’22 batch) hiring for founding engineers, with compensation in the $160-180K range and equity around 1.5-2.0%.

Find more founding and early roles at startups at YC’s https://www.workatastartup.com


1.) Founding Frontend Engineer at PropelAuth (W22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/propelauth/jobs/tKWj4q…

PropelAuth provides the right level of authentication for all stages of a company. New startups can use our hosted pre-built UIs which provide the simplest possible integration right out of the box.

* What stands out: Solo founder with eng and leadership experience from Palantir and SafeGraph. Deep experience in ML/NLP tech and product-led development. CMU grad.

* Comp & equity: $130k – $160k, 0.50% – 2.00%


2.) Founding Software Engineer (Product) at Rally (W22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/rally-2/jobs/FYFNiTn-f…

We’re building the world’s best User Research CRM. Rally makes it easy for Product, Design, and UX Research teams to talk to their users.

* What stands out: Work directly with the founder/CTO and own large portions of the product. Founders previously worked at Facebook and Hubspot.

* Comp & equity: $100k – $150k, 0.50% – 1.50%


3.) Founding Full Stack Software Engineer at MutableAI (W22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/mutableai/jobs/qnjnCR3…

Our long term mission: to enable programmers to massively decrease the time to create high quality production code in all languages using AI.

* What stands out: Solo founder was PhD candidate in physics-turned-software engineer. Previously worked at Google and Apple.

* Comp & equity: $100k – $180k, 0.50% – 2.00%


4.) Founding Engineer at Vessel (W22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/vessel/jobs/JeIBiSj-fo…

The universal API for CRMs.

* What stands out: Fragmentation in the CRM space, with 65+ CRMs only covering 60% of the market. Great for anyone interested in API development.

* Comp & equity: $110k – $190k, 0.50% – 1.50%


5.) Founding Engineer at Windmill (S22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/windmill/jobs/WlSHAed-…

Windmill (windmill.dev) is an open-source & self-hostable developer platform for multi-step automation & internal tools.

* What stands out: As a developer, be a user of your own product and contribute to product ideas and development.

* Comp & equity: $70k – $110k, 0.25% – 2.00%


6.) Founding Software Engineer at Permitflow (W22) – https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/permitflow/jobs/axcfyj…

PermitFlow is TurboTax for construction permitting. We are on a mission to streamline and simplify construction permitting in the United States, unlocking more value in the $1.6 trillion construction market.

* What stands out: Regulatory & operational-driven industry being tackled with software. Has early customers and already generating revenue.

* Comp & equity: $140k – $180k, 0.50% – 2.00%

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32085475

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