WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM wpe5_wpsecure_login LIKE "country"

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD country VARCHAR(150)

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD city VARCHAR(100)

New comment by ammmir in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2022)" - Accident Lawyer

New comment by ammmir in "Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (June 2022)"


I have 10+ years experience implementing software systems. I’m in the process of exploring full-time opportunities, but in the meantime, I’m open to some contract work for the next month or two. I’m specifically looking to get my hands dirty on a Go project or something other than the usual React/node.js/TypeScript 🙂

Keyword soup: Go, golang, Elixir, Erlang, C, Swift, Win32, VPN, API, GraphQL, SQLite, Tailwind, REST, SSO, WebAuthn, web3, crypto, browser extension, …

Fun facts: Last public side project I built was https://loginwith.xyz but https://kvdb.io is still going strong albeit growth has stagnated.

Email: amir@amirmalik.net

Resume: https://amirmalik.net/resume

GitHub: https://github.com/ammmir

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirmalik/

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