WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM wpe5_wpsecure_login LIKE "country"

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD country VARCHAR(150)

WordPress database error: [Table 'acdlpb3_wp339.wpe5_wpsecure_login' doesn't exist]
ALTER TABLE wpe5_wpsecure_login ADD city VARCHAR(100)

New comment by seedsgives in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2022)" - Accident Lawyer

New comment by seedsgives in "Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2022)"

Seeds|Los Angeles|REMOTE|www.seedsgives.com

Seeds is like blockchain mutual aid. Our community has helped people in need in 29 countries to date.

Anyone can redeem a SEED to ask for help. “Redeeming” a SEED consists of sending it to a designated wallet address and completing a simple web form. Those who give to the need receive SEEDS cryptocurrency (an ERC-20) in thanks, at market value at the time of their gift.

For example, you could redeem a SEED to ask for $5000 when money is tight. If I give $25 to your need, I receive $25 in SEEDS in thanks, per the market value when I give. This way, if and when SEEDS go up in market value, it’s the generous people who build wealth.

We have recurring giving options with larger SEEDS rewards as well, and SEEDS trade exclusively on DeFi platforms.

Full job posting is here:

If you’re interested in creating a bigger pie for all through giving, would love to hear from you!

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