Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Remote: Preferred, but on-site is fine
Willing to relocate: No
Resume/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/suri-samson
Email: sjsamson86 at gmail d0t com
Technologies: Computing Infrastructure (Servers, Networking, Storage), GNU/Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, VMware, OpenStack, CI/CD, Distributed Systems
About me: I am a Bay Area native and lifelong technologist. Built my first computer when I was 8, got exposed UNIX/Linux systems and installed Red Hat Linux and Slackware in late 1900s, which sparked my interest in technology and set me on the path I am on. Experience and skills in the Systems, Infrastructure, DevOps, and SRE spaces; from the physical layer (data center and computer hardware) up to supporting apps in production and the developers that build them. Recent years focused on the emerging cloud native computing stack, helping software developers and organizations be successful with it. I bring a systems theory approach to thinking about and solving problems. Have many areas of interest, and am also interested in applying my skillset into various other (not traditionally considered tech) industries and verticals like transportation, energy, water, agriculture, etc. that can have a large positive societal impact.