Level 1 – Marburg in Tanzania
Tanzania is experiencing an outbreak of Marburg virus disease (Marburg) in the Kagera region in northwest Tanzania.
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Tanzania is experiencing an outbreak of Marburg virus disease (Marburg) in the Kagera region in northwest Tanzania.
There are outbreaks of Oropouche in Espírito Santo, Brazil, and Darién Province, Panama. Oropouche is spread primarily through the bites of infected midges (small flies) and mosquitoes. Country List : Brazil, Panama
Uganda is experiencing an outbreak of Sudan virus disease (SVD) in Kampala, Mbale, and Wakiso. SVD is a type of Ebola disease caused by infection with the Sudan virus.
Tanzania is experiencing a possible Marburg virus disease (Marburg) outbreak in the Kagera region in northwest Tanzania.
There is an outbreak of malaria in Ethiopia. An increased number of cases have been reported from all 14 regions.
There have been several cases of East African human trypanosomiasis among travelers returning from safari areas in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Country List : Zimbabwe, Zambia
There is an outbreak of chikungunya in the states of Maharashtra and Telangana, India.
There is an outbreak of Oropouche in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Oropouche is spread primarily through the bites of infected midges (small flies) and mosquitoes.
CDC has identified a higher-than-expected number of chikungunya cases among U.S. travelers returning from the state of Telangana, India.
The Republic of Rwanda has been experiencing an outbreak of Marburg virus disease (Marburg).