Tag Archives: Promote

How to Strategically Use Every Day Business Operations to Promote Fundability

The way you run your business, the day-to-day operations, affects everything. From your reputation with customers to even your ability to get funding, all of it can be affected by business operations. This is why you have to be strategic.  Strategic Business Operations Can Promote Fundability Most business owners do not realize this.  They know … Continue reading How to Strategically Use Every Day Business Operations to Promote Fundability

How to Ensure Your Business Financials Promote Maximum Fundability

There are 125 factors that affect the fundability of your business.  They break down into more general core principles. One such area is business financials. Business Financials and Fundability It probably comes as no surprise that your business financials affect the fundability of your business. But, what are lenders looking for? Is it just income … Continue reading How to Ensure Your Business Financials Promote Maximum Fundability