Tag Archives: Strategically

How to Strategically Use Every Day Business Operations to Promote Fundability

The way you run your business, the day-to-day operations, affects everything. From your reputation with customers to even your ability to get funding, all of it can be affected by business operations. This is why you have to be strategic.  Strategic Business Operations Can Promote Fundability Most business owners do not realize this.  They know … Continue reading How to Strategically Use Every Day Business Operations to Promote Fundability

Medical Malpractice: Assessing Electronic Medical Records Strategically

From Discovery to Authentication and Admission Electronic medical records (EMRs) are changing the landscape of medical malpractice – creating new opportunities and nightmares for medical professionals, plaintiff, and defense attorneys alike. Are you up to date with current best practices and challenges? Our experienced faculty will show you how to navigate EM…