Transcript for MMWR Telebriefing: Evidence of Recent H5 Bird Flu Infections among Dairy Workers and CDC Guidance Updates
Transcript for MMWR Telebriefing: Evidence of Recent H5 Bird Flu Infections among Dairy Workers and CDC Guidance Updates
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Transcript for MMWR Telebriefing: Evidence of Recent H5 Bird Flu Infections among Dairy Workers and CDC Guidance Updates
CDC has clarified and simplified the process for bringing dogs into the United States from rabies-free and low risk dog rabies countries. CDC aims to protect the health of U.S. communities and animals and prevent the re-introduction of dog rabies to the United States.
For the upcoming respiratory virus season, CDC recommends everyone age 75 and older receive the RSV vaccine.
CDC has updated its Zika travel guidance and now recommends that pregnant women not travel to any area where there is a risk of Zika virus infection, including areas where the virus has been newly introduced or reintroduced and local mosquito-borne transmission is ongoing; areas where the virus was present before 2015 (endemic) and there … Continue reading CDC updates Zika travel guidance for pregnant women to not travel to any area with Zika risk – Media Statement
CDC is updating its dog importation regulation to protect the health and safety of people and animals by making sure any dog arriving in the United States is healthy and doesn’t present a risk to our communities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today issued a Health Alert Notice with updated guidance for healthcare professionals to interpret Zika test results for women who live in, or frequently travel (daily or weekly) to areas with a CDC Zika travel notice.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated guidance for people who travel to or live in Miami-Dade County to lift the Zika cautionary (yellow) area designation.
CDC released today updated recommendations for how people can protect themselves and their communities from respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.
This update includes information that has become available since the August 2016 release of the previous guidance.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Attorney Marielle F. Hazen, Esq., CELA, is set to share her comprehensive knowledge and insights during the highly-anticipated “Call to Action/Legislative Update” at the Stetson Pooled Trust Intensive event. The session is slated to take place on October 18, 2023, from 4:15pm-5:15pm. In conjunction with the Stetson College of Law, the event … Continue reading Marielle F. Hazen, Esq., to Illuminate Legislative Updates at Stetson College of Law’s Pooled Trust Intensive Event