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TBI May Set the Stage for Further Illnesses - Accident Lawyer

TBI May Set the Stage for Further Illnesses

Legal Help for Veterans is a law firm helping veterans get the benefits they deserve.

Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire)June 02, 2022 – Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is not a stand-alone injury. It can increase the risk of chronic cardiovascular, endocrine, and neurologic comorbidities. A comorbidity is a medical condition where two disorders or diseases coexist simultaneously.

It is well known that veterans in combat frequently deal with TBI. It does not go away on its own. It does not play by the rules, and it does not make anyone’s life easier to live. This most recent study was published online by JAMA Network Open.

The idea was to compare unexposed subjects with those suffering from mild TBI or moderate-to-severe TBI. It was found that those with TBIs were at greater risk of having comorbid conditions such as psychiatric issues, endocrine anomalies, neurologic issues, and cardiovascular difficulties. Of interest, the mild and moderate-to-severe TBI groups demonstrated an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, and transient ischemic strokes.

The study, conducted at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, used a patient registry to study the incidence of neurological, cardiovascular, psychiatric, and endocrine comorbidities appearing in patients with mild TBI and moderate-to-severe TBI. Patients were matched to a group of people without head injuries. The group comprised 4,351 subjects with mild TBI, 4,351 patients with moderate-to-severe TBI, and 4,351 subjects with no brain injuries.

Comorbidities made themselves known approximately three years after a traumatic brain injury. With the presence of other medical factors, the risk of death increased in those with moderate-to-severe TBI compared to the unexposed group. The increased risk of early death was also seen with post-injury hypertension, adrenal inadequacy, and coronary artery disease.

Overall, the study laid out a cautionary approach to proactively screening those who have sustained a brain injury, mild to severe. “Screening could help deal with other emerging health issues faced by our veterans suffering from TBI,” said Jim Fausone, a Michigan veteran’s attorney and Legal Help for Veterans PLLC founder. “The degree of disability affects a veteran’s benefits, and that is what we are here for –to help veterans get the benefits they deserve.”

If you run into difficulties seeking veteran’s benefits, Legal Help For Veterans, PLLC is a nationwide VA Disability law firm assisting veterans and their family members in all federal VA benefit matters,” added Fausone.

Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC
41700 West Six Mile Road, Suite 101
Northville, MI 48168
Toll Free Phone: 800.693.4800

    The post TBI May Set the Stage for Further Illnesses first appeared on Law Firm Newswire.

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