Tag Archives: Google

Google Update rel=nofollow is Now a “Hint” for Ranking

On Tuesday Google made an official announcement tohow they are changing the way they treat Nofollowlinks. (This change is actually live) Before the change Before when Google found a Nofollow link then thelink would NOT be used for Crawling or Indexing andit would NOT be used for Ranking. Now In the latest announcement Google has … Continue reading Google Update rel=nofollow is Now a “Hint” for Ranking

What is Local SEO and Google My Business?

What is Google My Business and Local SEO? Have you come across something like the image above on the search engine? This is called the local search result; the result of a local search. Local means relating to a particular area or region. A local search is a search that references a product or service … Continue reading What is Local SEO and Google My Business?

How Business Venture Capital Sparks Innovation, And How Google and Facebook are Throwing Water on the Fire When it Comes to Online Ad Firms

Top Ways to Get Business Venture Capital and Keep Innovation Alive Innovation is what keeps things moving.  It keeps industries from growing stagnant and encourages our economy to continue thriving.  In hard economic times, innovation is what pulls us out. Consequently, we need innovation to keep moving along.  Finding new and better ways to get … Continue reading How Business Venture Capital Sparks Innovation, And How Google and Facebook are Throwing Water on the Fire When it Comes to Online Ad Firms

What’s Up Google? The Google Data Breach Decoded

What Happened and What You Need to Know About the Google Data Breach, Decoded for You Online security is a constant in the news these days, and when there is a breach all alarms go off. Typically, we don’t worry about the larger companies, like Google. I mean, a company that large should have it … Continue reading What’s Up Google? The Google Data Breach Decoded

7 Google Analytics Reports That Show How Your Blog is Really Performing

When you log into Google Analytics, what do you look at? Chances are you see something like the image above that shows you how many people are currently on your blog. Well, that was easy to guess because that’s the report Google Analytics gives you once you log in. 😉 But which reports do you … Continue reading 7 Google Analytics Reports That Show How Your Blog is Really Performing

7 Google Analytics Reports That Show How Your Blog is Really Performing

When you log into Google Analytics, what do you look at? Chances are you see something like the image above that shows you how many people are currently on your blog. Well, that was easy to guess because that’s the report Google Analytics gives you once you log in. 😉 But which reports do you … Continue reading 7 Google Analytics Reports That Show How Your Blog is Really Performing

What Type of Links Does Google Really Prefer?

We all know that links help rankings. And the more links you build the higher you’ll rank. But does it really work that way? Well, the short answer is links do help with rankings and I have the data to prove it. But, you already know that. The real question is what kind of links … Continue reading What Type of Links Does Google Really Prefer?